Our CEO celebrates 13 years sober — Here are 13 reasons why she stays sober

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1)      Life is peaceful and easier to deal with

2)      My family needs me and I need them

3)      I have respect for myself

4)      I help people who need to be reminded of their “why”

5)      I am present

6)      I trust people and people trust me

7)      I’m a productive member of society

8)      I love my job and don’t want to jeopardize it

9)      I make and remember joyful memories

10)   I wake up clear headed

11)   I have belongings and a home

12)   My life depends on it

13)   I am truly happy

If you’re feeling like today is an okay day to let the past several months or days or years go down the drain so that you can use drugs or alcohol, just think long and hard about your why. If you’re feeling down and out, NOW is the time to seek support! Call us today!

Major transformations happen throughout recovery. Mattea’s 13 reasons why help her stay on the path of success. What’s your why?