Mondays With Mattea - Addiction Recovery During a Pandemic

The coronavirus outbreak has had a unique impact on every resident of Minnesota and across the nation. With stay-at-home orders and bans on gatherings in place, people have resorted to social distancing and quarantining to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 for the past 9 months.

The pandemic is having a significant impact on people with a substance use disorder who are in EVERY stage of addiction recovery. Especially for people in the early stages of recovery who depend upon the support of peers and groups to stay sober—those support measures are threatened during a quarantine. That stress only multiplies when one is unable to work and struggles to make ends meet financially, as well as being isolated at home or in treatment without the possibility of visitors. 


The good thing is RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE—even during a pandemic!

Here are five daily tips to help those in recovery during the pandemic and how they can navigate these times and become stronger.

  1. Stay Connected: The opposite of addiction is connection. I encourage those in recovery who are alone to check in with your families and people in your sober circle on a daily basis and attend virtual meetings as often as possible. Phone calls and video calls can make all the difference. For those of you living with family members, this situation has really given you a chance to reconnect and build your family bond. Make the most out of it!

  2. Move Your Body: In-home exercises—such as yoga—and walking outside will aid in keeping your endorphins pumping and spirits up.

  3. Focus on the good: Make a daily gratitude list and use journaling time to capture your experiences during the pandemic can be really rewarding. Writing is a great way to release negative emotions, get one’s thoughts out of your head, and reflect back at how far you’ve come in your recovery.

  4. Remember this is only temporary: The pandemic is only temporary. Remind yourself that daily. Choose long term solutions for long term success.

If you or someone you know is struggling, reach out. Call us at 507-281-0023. We offer in-person and telehealth assessments, outpatient and intensive outpatient services, sober lodging, and residential treatment.