Ready To Go To Treatment? Here's The Next Thing To Do

It can be a nerve-wracking moment – finally deciding to go to treatment. For many, it is tough to think about leaving behind your friends and family for a period of time for residential treatment…or even for a few hours each day for outpatient treatment. Whether it’s shame, financial worries, or scheduling, it’s important to remember that you’re making the right decision. When you’ve decided to get help, don’t second guess yourself – treatment is positive and will help you work through the difficulty that surrounds substance use.

The best thing you can do when you’re ready to go to treatment? Make the call.

When you wait or delay deciding to get help, you put yourself in an anxious frame of mind. Second guessing and doubting yourself just cause worry and confusion. Treatment is nothing to be worried about – counselors and the group that will surround you are there to help. Rather than being nervous or unsure, be confident that you are making positive changes in your life that are leading you to become the best you that you can be.

When you’re getting ready to make the call, here are a few things to remember:

  1. Stay Calm
    Be calm and breathe. Making the call to get help might seem like a big choice, but it helps to step back and remember that you just need to do the next right thing. You don’t need to tackle the entire week in one day, or your entire recovery in one phone call. Take a deep breath, and move forward doing the next thing you can do – make the call, and let tomorrow worry about itself.
  2. Practice Gratitude
    Stated by Melody Beattie, “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Gratitude has a special way of calming us down and centering our thoughts. If you are anxious, worried, or sad about the situation you’re going through, step back and think of 5 things you’re grateful for. This will help get you stay centered and remain focused on the present moment.
  3. Remind Yourself
    Once you’re calm and centered, gently remind yourself of why you want to pursue recovery. Remind yourself of the things that lie ahead and the blessings that will come to your life. Recovery can be hard in the beginning, but it is worth it in the end.

Stated by Theodore Roosevelt, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” When you make the call, the people on the other end of the phone want to help – they believe in you, too.

If you are in need of substance abuse treatment or education, Common Ground has locations in Rochester and Winona and we're here to help. We will meet you where you are - give us a call today.